TopGaN Ltd. (TOPGAN), Poland

Contact :
Mike Leszczynski

TopGaN is a spin-off from the Institute of High Pressure Physics UNIPRESS to commercialize nitride semiconductor technologies. TopGaN belongs in about 55% to Mr. Andrzej Kasprowiak, main investor and the company president, in about 15% to the technology founders and in about 30% to UNIPRESS. TopGaN employs 30 scientists and engineers, and as a start-up company carries on intensive R&D activity in the frame of National and EU Projects. Almost all technologies used by TopGaN are proprietary and patented.

TopGaN’s technology consists of three parts: i) high pressure growth of GaN bulk substrates of unique properties (the highest free-electron concentration and one of the lowest dislocation density), ii) MBE and MOVPR epitaxy, iii) device processing and packaging. The main technological achievement is a demonstration of high power of 2.5 W cw from three-stripe 410 nm laser diode mini-array. Besides laser diodes, TopGaN offers customized epi-wafers on sapphire, bulk GaN and SiC, mostly for electronic applications.