Wp4 - Design, fabrication and test of GaN, LCP and Si based RF-MEMS circuits and LCP boards

The objectives of this WP are:

  • MEMS on GaN:

- To design Single Pole Double Throw (SPDT) switches and matching networks operating in the 2-20 GHz range .
- To fabricate SPDT switches and matching networks. Basic substrate for this activity will be chosen in compliance with the technology results of WP2.
- To test SPDT switches and matching networks. SPDT switches represent a key element in T/R modules, phase shifters, switchable filters, tunable antennas and switching matrices. They therefore represent a significant benchmark to evaluate the technological capabilities achieved at the end of this activity.

  • MEMS on LCP:

- To design and fabricate the RF-MEMS re-configurable components on LCP.
- To characterize the RF-MEMS components on LCP.

  • MEMS on Si:

- To design the RF-MEMS re-configurable circuits on silicon and the LCP board for the chip integration, including GaN transistors.
- To fabricate and characterize the RF-MEMS components on silicon.
- To test the integrated RF-MEMS components in LCP.